Congratulations my fellow Tribesman! The Micosay Dancers wish to welcome you to your new role in the Inner Circle! Your accomplishment is indeed worthy, and we hope that you may continue on the trail that will lead you deeper into the Inner Circle.
You have been told that as a Tribesman, you have been conferred many rights and privileges. One of those many privileges is the opportunity to join the Micosay Dancers!
The purpose of the Micosay Dancers is to promote the aims and ideals of the Boy Scouts of America and the camping experience offered by the Heart of America Council at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation through interpretative dance.
Over the last thirty years, we have spread the word about the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation and the spirit of Micosay to more than 100,000 Scouts and more than 45,000 Kansas Citians by presenting our performances. A proud tradition, indeed. Help us to continue to expose new Scouts to Scout camp and Micosay by joining our dance group.
The requirements to become a member of the Micosay Dancers are:
- be a member of Micosay.
- be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America and to remain active with your Scouting unit.
- have a strong desire to help promote: the ideals of Scouting, the camping experience at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation, and the meaning of Micosay to Scout and Civic groups around the greater Kansas City area.
Young Tribesmen remain active as Dancers until they are 21 years of age. Adult Tribesmen are also needed to help support our young men.
The Micosay Dancers meet in south Kansas City, Missouri on Sunday evenings from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Our first meeting each year is held on the second Sunday of September. Contact us using the form below and you will receive a reply with more details about our practices and activities.
The Micosay Dancers present about 25 performances each dancing season. We perform at many different functions throughout the year, such as: pack meetings, troop meetings, district camporees, blue and gold banquets, full stage shows, and more.
To Join the Micosay Dancers, fill out the form below.